Tips to Start a Successful Blog

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash
Hi, today we will be talking about different blogging tips that will make your blog a better blog.

If you want more blog traffic this post will help. 

I hope this is helpful to you with your needs and your blogs needs. 
Writing Great Blog Posts
I have a post about writing blog posts. If you would like to read it click here.

Even though I will not and did not talk about writing good blog posts it is still very very important to great blog posts write blog posts.
Wordpress Blog
If you have a Wordpress blog you can get plugins. 

Some plugins you have to pay for. Others are free. 

If you would like to find some plugins that are recommended then go onto YouTube.
Having Clickable Titles
Having clickable titles is very important.

You could have the best content on earth and still not get page views if your title is not interesting. 

Some titles might not be what you would think of as "clickable" and still get a lot of views. 

For example, maybe you have a blog about dogs. And you post something about dog tips for the summer and all of your viewers loves it. They can't stop reading it. You go and do your keyword research and find that that topic is not there. You should still blog about it if people really enjoy it. 

If that happens you should still consider writing more posts about that topic. the thing about this is you can't repeat the same tips over and over again. If you do run out of ideas for that topic find another topic your readers read a lot about on your blogging business. 
Photo by William Iven on Unsplash
Being on Social Media
Being social media can help drive a whole lot of traffic to your blog. When I say a lot I mean a lot.

I use Pinterest because it works for me. If Pinterest does not work for you then feel free just to find another social media platform. Pinterest is good for any topic. The good thing about Pinterest is that it is free.

Facebook is not recommended. Just because it is not recommended that does not mean not to use it.

Instagram is good if you have a visual, topic like fashion or crafting, etc. you get the point.

A visual topic is a topic where a picture with no text can be very easily grouped into a category.

If you would like to get my free cheat sheet on getting more traffic then send me a message. To send me a message look for the send me a message in the sidebar. In this message, all you have to do is write whether you are on my email list or not and the fact that you want the get more traffic cheat sheet.
Last call if you would like to get my free cheat sheet on getting more traffic then send me a message. In this message, all you have to do is write whether you are on my email list or not and the fact that you want the get more traffic document. This is the last call for this post.
I hope you enjoyed this post. 

Today we talked about being on social media and getting plugins on your Wordpress blog. 

In the comments down below tell me whether you have a blog or not. If you do have a blog leave the link in the comments and I will go read it.


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