If I Could Use The Wishing Spell What Would I Use It For?

If you are not at least halfway through the first book, spoiler alert! The first called The Land of Stories The Wishing Spell.
If I Had the Wishing Spell What would I do with it?
Anyway if I had the Wishing Spell I would probably use it to make me a stronger more successful writer or blogger whatever it is that you would want to call it.

Or maybe even make me a successful baker and open my own bakery. Do not worry about a thing I have it all planned out. I have a name and everything. If you would like me to write a blog post about it then please, please tell me in the comments down below. I will try my very best to make it happen. 

Also if you did not know there is a Land of Stories website. Here is the link: Land of Stories website
As always if you have any questions feel free to ask, I would be pleased to answer them. 

Also if you want me to do this with the Wand of Wonderment please also put that in the comments. 

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If you know anyone who reads or enjoys The Land of Stories please tell them about my blog.  I would really appreciate it. 


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