Why Did They Pick the Name Hero for Their Son What I Think

If you have not read the whole series, spoiler alert!

I have gone over this briefly but I wanted to go a bit deeper.

This name was not the first name that popped into her (Goldilocks) head. She had probably been thinking about it a lot about it. When I say a lot I mean a lot.
Why I Think They Picked the Name Hero for Their Son
I think they picked the name because it would remind him to be the hero of his own story.

I think they named him that so that they would know he could be a hero even if he was a bit like his mom.

I wonder who came up with the name, Jack or Goldilocks? If one or the other picked it how did the other feel about it? If you would like me to post a blog post about it please tell me in the comments down below.

I also do not think this is a reason but it is such a cute name. 
In The Land of Stories Goldilocks gives birth in a graveyard in Bree's short story. In her short story, all the characters she saw die or heard that they had died came out of there graves.

Luckily Alex and Conner's mom Charlotte was a nurse.

During this time, Red decides not to have kids and to adopt kids instead. She does this because she sees how gross labor can be. Then later in the series Red and Froggy adopt The Lost Boys. 

As always if you have any questions feel free to ask, I would be happy to answer them.

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