What I Think Happened to Conner in between the 5th and the 6th book

Whether you have read the whole entire Land of Stories series or you are still reading it, we all know our great buddy Conner. If you are not reading Land of Stories that is fine but you should read it, this is not the post for you if you have not read it, I will blog about this a lot. If you have read the whole Land of Stories Series or are on the 6th book you may read this if not, spoiler alert I repeat spoiler alert!
What Do I Think Happened to Conner Between the 5th and 6th Book
If you are there you probably can recall that at the beginning of the 6th book Conner is having his 70th birthday celebration, which he was but have you ever wondered how Alex and Conner grew up? Well, today I am here to tell you what I think happened to Conner if you like this post and want me to do this for Alex tell me in the comments. Anyway back to what I think happened but before we do that let's review what we already know. We know that he married Bree Campbell his crush from school, we know she became a famous lawyer, we also know that they had kids, that Bree passed away, Conner is also a published and famous author loved by kids around the globe and the last thing we know is that Conner is a grandpa. I think Conner for the rest of his schooling thought about what Mrs. Peters had said about him becoming an author. I think Conner married Bree, and she became a lawyer. Then Conner became an author. He wrote all about his adventures in the Land of Stories. Conner and Bree had kids. Their kids had kids. And Bree passed away as a famous lawyer. Poor Bree. I also feel bad for Conner. A few years later I am guessing that he passed away as well a well-known author. That is my prediction if you have different ideas leave those ideas in the comments down below, and if you have questions about anything I would be happy to answer them! Also if you would like to join my email list then enter your email in the box above then click submit.


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